Mueller, il madonnaro !

"Street Painting" or "Pavement Art"? What is the right designation for this art?
Searching the Internet you will find more designation for this art form. "Sidewalk Art" or "Chalk Art" are other Synonym for it. Painting pictures with chalk on the street is a traditional art form born in the 16th century in Italy. A few years ago only a minority of people had ever heard of it. By publication on the Internet in the past years this art form get noticed world wide and every country created his own designation(s) for it. In Germany people would say "Street Painting" in most cases. But "Chalk Art" is also used in some areas. In the northern english speaking part of Europe they use "Pavement Art" or "Sidewalk Art". "Street Painting" is the most dessiminated designation in America and Canada. In some countries of the world people just say "Street Art".
So street painting has a long history. How has it begun?
Street Painting came up in Italy in the 16th century and is regarded as one of the most important representatives of the traditional art. In Italy street painters are called "madonnari" (Madonna painter). As the name "madonnari" already points to, the Italian Street Painting has been a form of the religious art since its foundation. Historically madonnari were traveling artists who stood for a life at liberty and self-determination. They used many festivals and the religoius celebrations (which are also unique even today in Italy) to exersise and present their Chalk Art. They lived exclusively on the donations of the people. Miracles, religious icons and ex Voto pictures which are given to the church to the deference for an answered prayer were the genre of the "madonnaro".
Today the genre is not only religious anymore. When was the change and how did it come to this?
The early street painters reproduced easy pictures with coarse materials. 1972 the first Street Painting Festival came up in Italy - in the small pilgrim village 'Grazie di Curtatone'. The concern of this festival was to pay attention to and publish the work of those and which counted as the last representatives of this traditional art. With every year there came younger painters and the festival became bigger and bigger. His founders would never have counted on it. This Festival has remained popular till this day and is an example of its kind all over the world. Among the rise of more Street Painting Festivals - mainly in Europe and America - young artists and art students worldwide started going on the streets and brought new ideas, technologies and enthusiasm for this already almost lost art form.
So street painting has a long history. How has it begun?
Street Painting came up in Italy in the 16th century and is regarded as one of the most important representatives of the traditional art. In Italy street painters are called "madonnari" (Madonna painter). As the name "madonnari" already points to, the Italian Street Painting has been a form of the religious art since its foundation. Historically madonnari were traveling artists who stood for a life at liberty and self-determination. They used many festivals and the religoius celebrations (which are also unique even today in Italy) to exersise and present their Chalk Art. They lived exclusively on the donations of the people. Miracles, religious icons and ex Voto pictures which are given to the church to the deference for an answered prayer were the genre of the "madonnaro".
Today the genre is not only religious anymore. When was the change and how did it come to this?
The early street painters reproduced easy pictures with coarse materials. 1972 the first Street Painting Festival came up in Italy - in the small pilgrim village 'Grazie di Curtatone'. The concern of this festival was to pay attention to and publish the work of those and which counted as the last representatives of this traditional art. With every year there came younger painters and the festival became bigger and bigger. His founders would never have counted on it. This Festival has remained popular till this day and is an example of its kind all over the world. Among the rise of more Street Painting Festivals - mainly in Europe and America - young artists and art students worldwide started going on the streets and brought new ideas, technologies and enthusiasm for this already almost lost art form.

What happens if it's raining?
This is probably the most frequently asked question. My answer is: Then I leave and paint a new picture tomorrow. This is often the best thing the street painters can do, because even a few drops can destroy a picture in seconds which often needed days to be painted. There are ways to protect the image, such as cover it with plastic tarpaulin or on street painting competitions even through most adventurous tent structures. But the rain keeps longer, he crawls under any protection.

Semplicemente eccezionale! Grazie Fabio, riesci sempre a trovare dei bellissimi esempi di creatività. Sei diventato la mia fonte di comunicazione visiva originale ;)
RispondiEliminaA presto, Elena
Quindi da ora in poi posso solo peggiorare :)
RispondiEliminaMi sento quasi pronto per passare dall'altra parte della barricata e mostrare, fare, esagerare, comunicare, colorare, aprire, concretizzare, cambiare, unirmi.
C'è una sana paura, ma anche tutta la voglia.
Anvanzo un articolo (insistente) o forse pure di più ... ma questa è una idea stravagante di cui ti farò sapere.
Chiaro, no? :D
Che meraviglia!!!.... mai visto niente del genere...