Abbigliamento estremo
Quella che presento qui è la campagna pubblicitaria scelta da Cape Union Mart (sito ufficiale) per promuovere la propria linea di abbigliamento estremo, oltre che una card del gruppo.
"The history of Cape Union Mart dates back to 1933 when the late Philip Krawitz, grandfather of the current Chief Executive, founded the business on the corner of Corporation and Mostert Street in Cape Town. Cape Union Mart originated as an "Army and Navy Store" and became famous for its "everything from an anchor to a toothpick" product range."
"The history of Cape Union Mart dates back to 1933 when the late Philip Krawitz, grandfather of the current Chief Executive, founded the business on the corner of Corporation and Mostert Street in Cape Town. Cape Union Mart originated as an "Army and Navy Store" and became famous for its "everything from an anchor to a toothpick" product range."

I soggetti mi sembrano tutti estremamente efficaci. Interessante anche il fatto che il messaggio sia immediatamente evidente in alcuni casi, meno lampante in altri (probabilmente i più riusciti).
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